T.I. And Azealia Banks Have Beef On Twitter, Instagram

Another rap feud has been ignited. T.I. and Azealia Banks have beef with each other after Banks dissed him and his wife on Twitter Monday. T.I. lashed backed at her with a hateful Instagram post, and now Banks has taken to Twitter to warn T.I. that he better get his lawyers ready.

It all began Monday night when Banks tweeted a reference to the rappers latest release "No Medicore," which features her former rival Iggy Azalea. In the post, she trashes his wife, Tiny.

"U want no mediocre, but ... Have you seen your wife?"

She quickly deleted the post, but unfortunately it didn't go unnoticed. On Tuesday morning she tweeted and deleted more posts about Tiny.

Soon after, Tiny tweeted a Rihanna meme that said, "I mean damn b**ch, Can you ever just worry bout yourself?"

T.I. followed with an Instagram response of his own (now taken down) that said:

"U musty-mouthed-thot-bot-bad-body-syphilis-lipped-rectum-vomit-unimportant-ugggggly-monstrosity-of-a-maggot-ass BIIIIIIIITCCHHHH!!!!!! If u speak ill of my family again..... I WILL END YOU!!!!!! #OnPHIL #OnDOE #NoBuuulllshit people fall down stairs daily.... U better watch yo step,u ungly-ass Gremlin-baby #nerveofdisCretin #f-kouttaheaFollow"

After seeing the post, which threatened to "end" her if she spoke badly of his family again, noting that "people fall down stairs daily" and that she "better watch yo step," Banks sent out a threat of her own: a lawsuit.

Whether the issue will be actually taken to court is unknown. We'll update you as more information becomes available.

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T.I., Azealia Banks, Tiny
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