Parker Cannon of The Story So Far Kicked a Girl Off a Stage at a Recent Concert [VIDEO]

If you haven't heard of the pop-punk band The Story So Far, you're probably finding out about them this week due to a violent act performed by the band's singer, Parker Cannon. During a recent Toronto show, a girl jumped up on stage and decided to take a selfie. This is clearly one of her most exciting moments of the year, if not her life, that she spent plenty of money to be there and then struggled to push her way onto the stage, but whatever, Cannon didn't really consider all of that when he kicked her in the back and off of the stage.

Now, you might argue that taking a selfie on stage at a concert is another issue in regards to this news, but you would be wrong. A lead singer of a pop punk band kicked a girl in the back off stage. That's the only thing that happened here, and it is disgusting.

As you can imagine, some people are defending Cannon, but there's plenty of smarter people out there that are not happy with what went down. One important voice is that of Allison Crutchfield, a staple pop-punker in the scene herself, who has voiced her anger over this situation any many like it on Twitter this week.

So here's the footage, which, as you can see around the 30-second mark, shows a grown man kicking a defenseless person off of a stage, and then the crowd cheers (via Entertainment Weekly, Noisey, and plenty of other publications):

If you head over to the YouTube account that posted this video, the uploader says: "Parker gently caresses girl off stage with his foot after overstaying her welcome... Seriously stop being so sensitive about this... it's a punk rock show."

No. The Story So Far is not "punk rock," first of all, and we aren't being sensitive, we're being human.

Oh and guess what-this isn't the first time he's done this! Check it out around the 12:20 mark of this video (via Fuse):

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