Despite the news that Nick Young has cheated on fiancé Iggy Azalea, the rapper confirmed that she did not call off their engagement even if the NBA player admitted to being unfaithful in a leaked video secretly recorded by fellow Los Angeles player, D'Angelo Russell. But after the scandal, Azalea admits that she is still processing everything.
"I don't know. I'm still figuring it all out. It's still fresh," Azalea said during an interview on Wednesday's The Burt Show, ET Online reported. "I think last year, the year that I had, has kinda taught me maybe it's best to just wait until it's like a little more past tense before you kinda speak about necessarily how you feel about something."
The 25-year-old musician also added, "When you're in the heat of the moment or things are still progressing or coming out and you're getting new information, the way you feel about things can change really quickly. It can go up and down."
Despite admitting to Ellen DeGeneres that she is still engaged with Young and that controversy is merely on the internet, Azalea said in her latest interview that she "couldn't assign" if she will actually marry Young and added that she will "give it some time."
To recall, the video of Young was leaked last month which has caused a rift on their relationship and Azalea even expressed her dismay about the issue through Twitter saying that she's "not tryna marry a cheater," as previously reported by Music Times.
Azalea also warned her fiancé that if there is another cheating issue, he is going to "lose half an inch" of his "meat" during an interview with Tampa Bay's Wild 94.1 radio station, Mercury News reported.
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