Yesterday the world was shocked to learn that one of its most inventive and colorful musicians, Prince, had suddenly died at the age of 57. Fans of all stripes have been mourning his passing and cities have been paying their respects to the man who was so influential to the man who made such an indelible impact on pop music and music in general over the past 30 years.
Tributes to his life were found in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Minneapolis and all across Minnesota, the state he was proud to call home, Atlanta, New York City and even Niagara Falls unwittingly got in on the action.
See how the world paid tribute to Prince below.
The City of San Francisco lit up its city Hall in honor.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life"...#RIPPrince
— City of SanFrancisco (@sfgov) April 22, 2016
The Minnesota Twins drapped the field purple before their game.
Fitting that it's raining in Minneapolis today. — Minnesota Twins (@Twins) April 21, 2016
The city did the same with the bridge.
#RIPPrince The I-35W Bridge will reign purple tonight.
— MnDOT (@mndotnews) April 21, 2016
#ruheinfriedengeliebterprince #ripprince #prince #iloveyou #barbara #barbaraklebt A photo posted by Barbara. (@ich_bin_barbara) on Apr 22, 2016 at 1:39am PDT
1st Avenue Nightclub hosted a free dance party in the street all night.
Prince fans, as far as the eye can see. @natalienyhus is there as the tribute by First Avenue grows.
A photo posted by WCCO (@wcco) on Apr 21, 2016 at 6:59pm PDT
The Prince Street stop in New York City obviously was changed.
Stop this train. #rip #prince #nyc #subway #princestreet #ripprince #legendary #magic #compassion #morethanmusic A photo posted by G.H. Bass (@ghbass) on Apr 21, 2016 at 3:06pm PDT
Mother nature shined down on Prince's Paisley Park estate with a rainbow yesterday.
A rainbow just appeared over Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen. #Prince
— Aaron Goodyear (@acgoodyear) April 21, 2016
Niagara Falls originally turned the waterfall purple to honor the queen, but it became a fitting tribute to Prince.
They planned to light Niagara Falls purple tonight for the Queen's birthday... and it ends up falling on the same day that Prince passed away. You can't make this stuff up. #RIPPrince A photo posted by 95.5 PLJ (@955plj) on Apr 21, 2016 at 7:08pm PDT
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