Rapper 50 Cent was officially slapped with domestic violence charges after an altercation that took place on June 23, 2013. Allegedly, the "Get Rich or Die Tryin'" superstar kicked and injured one of his ex-girlfriends (also his baby mama) at her Toluca Lake, CA condo. During the assault, 50 Cent (real name,Curtis Jackson) also destroyed the unidentified woman's home. If found guilty, the rapper could face five years in jail and $46,000 in fines.
According to LAPD, the alleged victim barricaded herself inside a bathroom after 50 Cent started acting violent. The two had gotten into a fight, and out of anger the rapper kicked down the door. He then kicked the woman and injured her. By the time police arrived, the 37-year-old Queens native had already caused $7,000 worth of damages. During the rampage, 50 Cent allegedly broke chandeliers, furniture, a TV, and a lamp - he also ransacked the bedroom closet. He left the scene before authorities arrived.
50 Cent now faces five charges in total, including one count of misdemeanor domestic violence and four counts of misdemeanor vandalism. If convicted on all counts, he could face up to five years in jail and $46,000 in fines. 50 is due in court to be arraigned on July 22.
The rapper's reps could not be reached for comment.
On the same night of the alleged incident, TMZ ran into 50 Cent and his posse at Mr. Chow in Beverly Hills:
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