Two Electric Daisy Attendees Die, but No Substances Suggested by Coroners

A second attendee of this year's Electric Daisy Festival was dead Saturday, but don't jump to any conclusions yet. Although EDM gatherings have garnered an unfortunate stigma due to substance-related deaths, neither of the two fatalities reported in relation to last weekend's festival seem to be related to alcohol or drugs, according to police reports.

Montgomery Tsang, age 24, collapsed in the parking lot outside of the festival grounds on June 20 before being pronounced dead at University Medical Center in Las Vegas. The following night, 25 year-old Anthony Anaya was found dead in his room at the nearby Vdara Resort. Coroners are waiting on official toxicology results to come back before making an official ruling, but reports indicate that "medical conditions" were involved in both of the deaths.

There's never any "good news" that goes with deaths of concertgoers, but Electric Daisy might have come under intense questioning had drugs been involved the deaths at this year's event. Two attendees died at 2012's festival, both related to substances. The news provided at least a minor road bump for Insomniac when planning the 2013 event.

The location of the festival in Las Vegas's hot climate can't have helped things. No matter how many water refill stations you provide, attendees are bound to grapple with dehydration (this is coming from a reporter who's stupidly been hospitalized twice for concert-related dehydration, no alcohol involved).

"Look after your group of friends, utilize the buddy system, and if you see something, say something," read a statement released by Insomniac's Jennifer Forkish following Tseng's death. "No one should ever hesitate to ask any of our medical staff, public safety personnel or Insomniac staff for help, or call 911 in case of an emergency. One death is one too many, and we all must do our part to keep each other safe, healthy and happy, tonight and every night."

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