Police Report that Former 'The Voice' Contestant Christina Grimmie Was Targeted by Shooter

Police have reported that former The Voice contestant Christina Grimmie was specifically targeted by the shooter who killed her at a concert this past Friday (June 10).

Orlando Police Chief John Mina has confirmed that the shooter, suspect Kevin James Loibl, had a hunting knife, two loaded magazines and two handguns in his possession when he approached Grimmie at the concert in Florida.

This past Saturday (June 11) Mina confirmed that the security guards at The Plaza were unarmed, but did check patron’s bags and purses for contraband. While they did do bag checks, there were no pat-downs or metal detectors present according to Billboard.

Grimmie passed away early on Saturday after being attacked by the shooter on Friday night. She was brought to the Orlando Regional Medical Center, but medical personnel were unable to save her life.

The shooter then killed himself after he was prevented from hurting others in the club by Grimmie’s brother, Marcus. According to police spokeswoman Michelle Guido the suspect Loibl was only 27 years old.

“It is with a heavy heart that we can confirm that Christina has passed and went home to be with the Lord,” Heather Weiss, Grimmie’s published said in a statement to CNN. “We ask at this time that you respect her family and friends in their time of mourning.”

Fellow police department spokeswoman Wanda Miglio said in a statement to NBC News that, “This should have been something that was fun and exciting and of course when something like this happens it’s just a tragedy.”

Grimmie first rose to fame on The Voice in 2014 under the guidance of coach Adam Levine. From there, she garnered fame with YouTube videos and captivated those watching with her takes on popular songs, receiving views in the millions.

Christina Grimmie
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