NASA has collaborated with Apple to produce a short film called Visions of Harmony in observance of the upcoming arrival of the Juno probe on Jupiter on July 4. The movie will be available on iTunes and Apple Music for free, and it will feature music from the fifth planet courtesy of artists like Trent Reznor, Weezer, GZA the Genius, Corrine Bailey Rae and Zoe.
NASA will be sending the planet's sounds to the artists so they can make music that would perfectly go with it. The tunes will be featured on Apple's Destination: Jupiter page on iTunes and will be available on Apple Music's subscription services for $1.29 per song, according to The Ringer. So far, we know that Bailey's song is called "The Skies Will Break" and Reznor's song is titled "Juno."
The short documentary will highlight the key investigator, Scott Bolton, along with Corinne Bailey Rae, Quiñ, and Daye Jack. The artists will be seen talking to the engineer about their interest in space, nature, music, harmony and more, while a soundtrack from Reznor and Atticus Ross will be playing in the background.
USA Today added that Destination: Jupiter can be an inspiration to others that can bring a thrill as the mysteries that the Juno exploration begin to unfold. Aside from the short film and documentary, an e-book with video is also set to be revealed later this year.
"The goal is to make science and technology more accessible and relatable to everyone," Apple vice-president Robert Kondrk explained. "[Music artists] can literally play Jupiter," Bolton added at a press conference at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
NASA is hoping to inspire everyone, especially the musicians, to learn a lot about Juno navigation. The organization also wants people to have a connection with other planets in the universe. Meanwhile, the New Frontier was launched in 2011 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station for a mission to land on Jupiter.
Juno is NASA's spacecraft made of a 400 pound box of augmented titanium fastened to a 66-foot long solar panel. When it is settled down, people will have the privilege of seeing the planet's upper atmosphere "into the layers of poisonous thunder clouds."
For a year, Juno will chart the complete exterior of the second-largest planet by using nine scientific devices to investigate its core structure and powerful magnetic field. "Nobody's ever seen Jupiter the way we will," Bolton told Gizmodo. Hence, when Juno completes its mission to get into Jupiter's environment, it is set to give a full understanding of the giant planet's interior mechanism and an advanced photo of how the solar system shaped.
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