Michael Jackson’s Doctor Conrad Murray Insists He Didn’t Kill King of Pop

Conrad Murray, the personal physician of Michael Jackson, still maintains that he was not responsible for the death of the iconic entertainer in 2009. Instead, he insists that the King of Pop's dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein was the one who caused MJ's death.

Jackson died on June 25, 2009. According to the results of an investigation, the pop star died due to a fatal dose of anesthesia, which was administered by Murray. As a result, Murray was imprisoned for two years and charged with involuntary manslaughter, according to International Business Times.

However, six years after Jackson's death, the physician still insists that he had nothing to do with the demise of the "Smooth Criminal" singer. In an interview with TMZ, Murray claimed that Klein was the one who gave Jackson the lethal dosage of drugs.

According to Murray, his client never told him that he was using other drugs aside from propofol, which was one of the drugs found in Jackson's body at the time of his death. He also admitted that Jackson never revealed to him that Klein was injecting him with high doses of Demerol, a type of opioid that could cause respiratory depression and other adverse effects if not administered properly.

"He never told me he was abusing narcotics," Murray told TMZ.

"He never shared to me that Dr. Arnold Klein was pumping him up on a daily basis, so that 900 sometimes also 1000 milligrams of Demerol," he added. "But I will tell you this, Michael never complained about pain that required that kind of treatment."

Despite the evidence discovered through the investigation, Murray maintained that Jackson did not die from propofol.

Although Murray's recent revelations could possibly stir up a new investigation regarding the artists' death, it might be hard to prove the physician's innocence especially since Klein had died in October last year.

Michael Jackson, Conrad Murray
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