WATCH: Fergie New Music Video for 'The Great Gatsby' Single 'A Little Party Never Killed Nobody:' Clip Obscures Baby Bump, Party Atmosphere Doesn't Live Up To Gatsby Soiree

Three months after its release, Fergie's "The Great Gatsby" song, "A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got)" finally got the music video treatment. Released today (Aug. 6) on VEVO, the club-banging single's video features the Black Eyed Peas singer in flapper gear and at a party, all while obscuring her baby bump.

Featuring tight close ups of Fergie's face, the star sitting down while partygoers roar and the singer rocking out behind a microphone from a far away shot, the music video cleverly hides Fergie and Josh Duhamel's little bundle of joy.

Fergie's inactivity is understandable, but unfortunately makes for a relatively dull music video. At one point, while the songstress is sitting, Fergie's rap co-star comments that nobody's sitting down, but that's simply not true.

"A Little Party Never Killed Nobody" also seems to lack the grandeur and epic shots of Baz Luhrman's "The Great Gatsby" remake, which hit theatres on May 1. Overall, it's an underwhelming, rather unnecessary music video.

Regardless, check it out below.

The track itself is also not one of Fergie's finest. Full of repetitive lyrics and a beat not up to the par of her 2006 solo album "The Duchess." The track lacks the bombastic-ness of "London Bridge" or the attitude of "Fergalicious." Even when surrounding the party them, "A Little Part Never Killed Nobody" can't even hold a candle to Black Eyed Peas' "I've Gotta Feeling."

However, when places in a grandiose party scene from "The Great Gatsby," "A Little Party Never Killed Nobody" can shine through, as it does in the film. Unfortunately, the music video doesn't reach that level.

Fergie, Baby Bump, Black Eyed Peas
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