[UPDATE] Conor Oberst: Bright Eyes Singer NOT Dropped From Record Label Following Rape Allegation

In an earlier story, Music Times reported that Bright Eyes singer Conor Oberst had been dropped from his label Nonesuch following rape allegations – originally broke by TMZ.

Oberst's publicist, however, recently came out with a statement claiming that Nonesuch Records has NOT dropped Oberst, saying, "Conor hasn't been dropped by Nonesuch. We have contacted TMZ to amend."


Back in February of this year, it was reported that Bright Eyes' own Conor Oberst was accused of raping a 16-year-old girl in 2003. The musician insisted – and continues to insist – he never did so and subsequently sued for $1.2 million for defamation. In recent news, Oberst is now asserting that the entire situation tanked his record deal, according to TMZ, which was worth upwards of $200,000. Naturally, he wants his money.

Joanie Faircloth is the alleged victim who went public with the 2003 rape accusation in February, stating Oberst took her virginity, against her will, following a Bright Eyes show in North Carolina. She made comments via the website xojane.com, writing, "Conor took a lot from me including my virginity, my dignity, and self-esteem."

Not only did the Monsters of Folk musician deny the allegations altogether, he also claims he's never met Faircloth and believes her to merely be an obsessed fan.

Newly filed documents in the case have proved that Oberst's label did in fact drop him. Therefore, the "Kathy with a K's Song" singer is now looking for Faircloth to pay up, but it appears she's gone silent.

As reported by the gossip site, the obsessed fan didn't show up for any of the court hearings. Oberst is now fighting that the judge rule in favor of him and award him the $1.2million.

Conor Oberst, Bright Eyes
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