Last week, the Independent on Sunday announced that it was sacking its in-house reviewers in favor of a critical digest from other sources.
Naturally, journalists everywhere were worried.
A lot of musicians are concerned, too. Feelings are running especially deep since the Sindy cuts have come on the heels of changes in U.S. reviewing circles, what with Donald Rosenberg also losing his berth at the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Classicalite reached out to several of today's leading musicians for their two cents, and we've decided to post their answers as we get them.
As with conductor/pianist Andrew Litton, baritone Anthony Michaels-Moore has his own analysis...but it boils down to a similar sentiment:
"As far as the various critics that have lost their jobs recently are concerned, I see it as part of a trend that reflects the way news organizations are trying to re-adjust to the realities of internet blogging and online forums. The old style, in-house contributors are facing huge competition from freelance commentators, and I suspect that the economic costs of keeping arts critics on the payroll are being harder to justify in the face of the flood of online competition. Having said that, if it's not an economic priority for a news organization to have a policy of informing and advising their readers about cultural events, and commentating on them, then it's not a priority for me to buy that paper."
Responses to our arts writing lay-off questions keep coming in, so make sure to keep checking back here on Classicalite.
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