Lady Gaga Claps Back at Piers Morgan After He Questions Her PTSD, Agrees to an Interview

Lady Gaga has clapped back at Piers Morgan after he questioned her PTSD from being raped at the age of 19. Following his accusations, the two are reportedly setting up an interview where Gaga will defend her diagnosis.

Gaga recently revealed that she struggles with PTSD during a visit to the Ali Forney Center for homeless LGBTQ youth in New York City. Her visit was aired on the Today show. She also posted an open letter to her Born This Way Foundation website to educate others on PTSD, which is a very real and legitimate illness not just limited to soldiers.

In Morgan’s opinion Gaga’s diagnosis is “vain-glorious nonsense” and he claims that the star is simply using it to “promote” herself. He further claims that he comes “from a big military family” and insinuating the PTSD was limited to soldiers. Morgan also claims that Gaga’s rape is simply an “allegation” since no police report was filed.

But Gaga handled the situation with class, respectfully offering to do an interview in order to educate his viewers on the difficulties of women reporting rape and why PTSD is not just a military disorder.

As of yet, no official interview has been announced.

Lady Gaga
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