Watch Bonobo, Nick Murphy's Strange "No Reason" Music Video From New Album 'Migration'

Bonobo: No Reason

The video is a bizarre trip into a Japanese man's very small apartment that you see in various stages of disarray. The camera keeps on going through his apartment over and over again as he does a different activity in each one like eating ramen, sleeping and reading, all while growing in size as the apartment remains the same cramped space.

Oscar Hudson of Pulse Films directed the video. He spoke about where the influence for this video came from, Hikikomori, and the overwhelming pressure that many individuals feel in society.

"'No Reason' is such an evocative track and it was clear from the start that our video would need to reflect this potency. Simon/Bonobo mentioned the inspiration behind the new album came from his relationship to landscape and place whilst on tour. Whilst researching these themes I learnt about the Japanese phenomenon of the Hikikomori- young Japanese people who become so overwhelmed by the pressures of life that they retreat to their bedrooms for years at a time," says Hudson in a statement.

"This felt like a such a fascinating intersection of physical & psychological spaces, and so from this I set out to make a film that through an inventive physical concept tried to link environment directly to psychology. We achieved the film using only in-camera physical effects and we designed an entirely new way of moving our miniature camera to get it to fit through the tiny doorways. Doing this film with CGI would have been a thousand times easier, but for me, it's physicality & imperfections are what make it different, and I hope better."

Migration was released on Jan. 13 to favorable reviews by critics and fans. Bonobo will tour the LP later this spring. Find his itinerary here.

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