Released in 2006, Planet Earth was an absolutely mind-blowing TV series made by the BBC Natural History Unit. The show initially premiered on March 5th 2006 in the United Kingdom. And about a year later in June of 2007, the show had been aired in 130 countries! The show was extremely fascinating as it was the most expensive nature documentary series ever!
The original series of Planet Earth has eleven episodes. Each episode would feature a different environment on this amazing planet that we live on. And then a decade later from the original premiere, BBC shocked the world by announcing Planet Earth II. The new series would be a six-part sequel that aired November 6th 2016.
Now back in 2015, Jimmy Kimmel recruited Snoop Dogg for one amazing skit; a skit that they still do to this day. According to Jimmy back in 2015: "We’ve been producing a very popular new nature series starring our friend Snoop Dogg. Snoop hosts his own show on his YouTube channel called GGN and from time to time he teams up with us to host what critics around the world are calling “the greatest nature program ever.”"
And since 2015 when the guys started to film these 'Plizzanet Earth' episodes, Snoop has covered a wide variety of our planet. From Otter vs. Crocs to a Cold-blooded Seal, to a Snakes & Bats to the Walruses, Snoop has covered them all! And if you thought the original Planet Earth episodes were informative, just wait until you hear Snoop Dogg's commentary.
And now let's talk about the most recent episode of Snoop Dogg & Jimmy Kimmel's 'Plizzanet Earth.' The other day the newest clip was uploaded to YouTube and already has almost 1 million views. For this episode, Snoop narrates the Iguana vs. Snakes. In the insane segment, an Iguana is desperately trying to escape an army of snakes! So check out the hysterical commentary below and stay posted here for any more episodes of 'Plizzanet Earth.'
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