'American Horror Story: Cult' Opening Credits & Official Trailer Reference 2016 US Elections

The opening credits and official trailer for “American Horror Story: Cult” have been released and as expected, it got fans talking. The opening credits was released via Twitter featured a scene with someone wearing a Donald Trump mask. The show clearly indicates that Season 7 of the Ryan Murphy horror anthology will be related to the 2016 U.S. presidential elections.

Meanwhile, the trailer for the upcoming season of “American Horror Story: Cult” offers more details on what it is all about. According to reports, Sarah Paulson will play Ally, a character who gets devastated by the results of the elections. She becomes more unstable after Donald Trump’s victory. Her coulrophobia, which is the fear of clowns, got worse.

On the other hand, a blue-haired character named Kai (Evan Peters) is rejoicing Trump’s victory. He and Ally will cross paths. Billy Lourd will play the nanny of Ally’s son, who will later on conspire in doing despicable things with Kai.

“American Horror Story: Cult” will kick off right on the election night in 2016 and is set in Detroit, Michigan. The trailer shows Ally having a breakdown after watching Trump win while Kai is elated according to Vanity Fair.

Murphy has been posting disturbing images in his Instagram account that have given clues on what “American Horror Story: Cult” is about but they only succeeded in baffling fans. There was one of American flags planted in turf and another of a man covered in bees. Fans simply do not know what to expect of the upcoming season until the opening credits and trailer were released.

Murphy also previously said that President Trump may or may not appear in the show but only to retract his statement later reports Den of Geek. He admitted that neither Trump or Hilary Clinton will appear in “American Horror Story: Cult.”

Other members of the cast are Colton Hayes, Alison Pill, Billy Eichner, Adina Porter and Cheyenne Jackson. Lena Dunham of “Girls” will make a special appearance. The new season will premiere on September 5 on FX.

American Horror Story, 2016 Presidential Race, Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton, Ryan Murphy
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