The poignant memory of Simba and Mufasa's father-son relationship has been witnessed in every recreation of "The Lion King." The award-winning animated film of Disney has never ceased to leave in the hearts and minds of its viewers of all ages.For those who want to have a part of these treasures, a new poster for sale and a new Blu-ray copy will be released on August 29 that is definitely a collector's item. All these will be made available on August 29, at the same time at noon, PST.
The beautiful artwork of artist Mark Englert for Cyclops Print Works is reported by Gizmodo which is titled "Remember Who you Are." The poster comprises of a 12 x 36 inch, 11-color serigraph in an edition of 300, a colorful rendition of Simba looking through Mufasa's reflection. The power of Mufasa was clearly depicted by the colors surrounding him and as always, Simba, the ever-loving, and respectful son look up to him.
For those who want to go over the movie any time at the convenience of their home, the second Blu-ray edition under the Walt Disney Signature Collection will be available on August 29, as LaughingPlace reports. The spectacular performance of Blu-ray will make good pictures and vibrant sound as it tells of the adventures of Simba and Mufasa. Special features and Bonuses come with the Blu-ray release, making it a complete package of true animation magic.
What a better way to celebrate the "Circle of Life" if all these collections are in every home and living room. There are also other art creations by the artists of Cyclops Print Works that can match the new poster of "The Lion King." Legendary artist Alex Ross has made two limited edition of 250 with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Beauty and the Beast posters, all were made available for purchase at the D23 Expo last month.
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