Toei Animation will be producing an animated film in celebration of the original "Mazinger Z" marking its 45th anniversary in the manga industry. Gekijōban "Mazinger Z / Infinity" or translated as Movie Version "Mazinger Z / Infinity" was announced to be the title of the upcoming Mazinger Z anime film. It will be shown internationally before its premiere in Japan on January 2018 whiles the official trailer was released featuring the new version of Ichiro Mizuki's Mazinger Z theme song.
In a report from Anime News Network, a teaser video of "Mazinger Z/Infinity" was previewed last June at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France. Voices of Japanese actors and actresses include Showtaro Morikubo as Koji Kabuto, the original protagonist of the first Mazinger Z anime with Ai Kayano as SayakaYumi, SumireUesaka as Lisa and Natsuki Hanae as Shiro Kabuto. Other actors like Wataru Takagi as Boss, Koji's old comrade-in-arms, and a reliable friend and Unshō Ishizuka as Dr. Hell, the main antagonist.
Koji Kabuto will be faced with a dilemma of decisions as he uncovers a mysterious structure that can change the world to be good or bad. It is definitely a battle within to choose to be a god or a demon, and how mankind fights together with Mazinger Z for their future.Crunchyroll News reports that Mazinger Z franchises are popular in Europe, therefore, a special Italian premiere will happen in October this year.
With the direction of Junji Shimizu and Yō Nakano as assistant director, they will be getting it off a script made by Takahiro Ozawa while mechanic designs will be done by Takayuki Yanase and Hiroya Iijima is designing the characters. The film's music is composed by Toshiyuki Watanabe, the son of composer Michiaki Watanabe who composes the music of Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger movies while Makoto Ujiie will be doing the background art.
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