Netflix's 'Bright' Already Has A Sequel Ordered, Despite The Criticism

Netflix's Bright set to debut on Dec. 22 was ordered for a sequel to be starred by Will Smith and be directed by David Ayer with Max Landis as the screenwriter once again despite the criticism. The said sequel is due to the online streaming company's $38.6 billion target in the global box office.

Even before getting started, the Netflix original film seems to be unstoppable and is not going to bow down even if critics say otherwise. Bright sports just 27 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and being thrown at being the worst movie for 2017.

Many critics also find the movie trailer a little bizarre. For them, it just evidently shows the director's obsessions with cops, fantasy creatures, and gangster-themed plots.

Despite negative feedbacks, Netflix is still pushing through to invest in the film as it is its first attempt at a big budget film production shying away from their usual independent feature films. To suffice the immense investment, the management gets prominent actors, Will Smith as a good example, to give justice to the production.

"[There's] enough material unexplored within the world,"said Eric Newman, the Bright's producer, during its premiere last week when asked about the film and the management's consideration to get started in producing a sequel.

In addition, film producers are just positive about the turn out of Bright and other upcoming films through the online streaming company.

"It is exciting to be on the front lines with a place that feels like the future," said Bryan Unkeless, one of the producers of Bright, talking about how serious Netflix is on producing original content to the extent that its office invested in having living rooms so it can test how film projects will be viewed at home.

Bright showcases an alternate world with fantasy creatures stirring up to mess with the society. Smith plays as Daryl Ward, an LAPD officer with his partner Joel Edgerton as Jakoby who plays an orc in the movie.

Netflix, the world's biggest online streaming company, allotted an $8 billion budget for all-original content by 2018. The company invests a lot to produce original works and aims to be an outlet for artists and film producers to showcase their skills.

The online streaming company is one of Hollywood's biggest players bringing original hit TV series like House of Cards, The Crown, Narcos, Stranger Things, and Riverdale among others. Netflix has also become the home of Hollywood movies, TV series, and documentaries.

Netflix, Will Smith
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