ABC Pulls The Plug On Rolling Stone 50th Anniversary Special

ABC has canceled plans to broadcast the Rolling Stone 50th Anniversary Show. This change of plan came after the publication's executive producer Jann Wenner received sexual harassment complaints.

ABC announced the live broadcast in May at the same time it picked up a Little Mermaid live musical. The network scheduled the presentation to air on Feb. 7.

The special was supposed to feature several performances from various musical artists and famous stars. Never-before-seen musical pairings, live performances, and short films were among the line-up in the anniversary special.

Likewise, the broadcast was supposed to explore the impact Rolling Stone had on music, politics, and pop culture for over the 50 years of its service. The anniversary special was set for production by the magazine's parent company Wenner Media. Ian Stewart, David Jammy, Gus Wenner, Katy Mullan and Jann Wenner already agreed to executive produce.

Now with ABC scrapping the Rolling Stone 50th Anniversary Show, the network would have to find a replacement to fill in the three hours initially allotted for the special. The network has yet to release an official statement about the cancelation.

ABC has yet to reveal the reason or reasons behind the cancellation. Penske Media and Werner Media have also yet to comment on the cancelation.

However, it is interesting to point out that the cancellation came after the recent events that happened concerning Rolling Stone. In light of the recent string of sexual harassment allegations in Hollywood, Jann Wenner, co-founder and current editorial director for Rolling Stone, received several complaints of his own from people he used to work with.

A journalist named Ben Ryan accused Wenner of soliciting sex in 2005. The writer told Buzzfeed in November that he was offered a writing deal in exchange for sex.

The offer allegedly took place on Aug. 11 at the executive's Upper West Side townhouse. Wenner has since denied the allegations and explained in a statement, that he "attempted to have a sexual liaison" with Ryan.

However, Wenner received another harassment accusation late in December. The writer alleged that he was forced to engage in oral sex back in 1983. On the same month, Wenner Media sold a controlling stake to Penske Media.

Aside from the Rolling Stone 50th Anniversary Show, ABC also postponed the release of the Little Mermaid live musical. It is unclear as of the moment if the network still plans to push through with the musical.

ABC, Rolling Stone
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