Michael Douglas Denies Sexual Allegation Before Claim Was Made

Michael Douglas is not a sexual predator. That is what the award-winning actor wants everyone to know even before any accusation has been made public.

The game-changing report that exposed Harvey Weinstein's 30 years of sexual misconduct created a domino effect that knocked down several other Hollywood personalities from their pedestals. Three months later, women and men continue to name their celebrity assailants.

Michael Douglas Denies Allegations

Douglas has been warned about a coming story alleging that he has sexually harassed a former employee. In an exclusive interview with Deadline, the actor revealed that a popular entertainment news publication has contacted his lawyers asking to comment about a series of incidents that happened over 30 years ago.

The unnamed victim, he said, claims that he used coarse language around her, masturbated in front of her, and stopped her from getting a job within the industry. Douglas did not name the woman, but he said he remembers her and what really happened.

The two-time Academy Award winner admits to the first accusation and apologizes for offending the accuser. He clarifies that the "colorful language" used during private conversations with friends was not directed at her.

The Ant-Man and the Wasp star, meanwhile, denies the accusation that he blackballed her and prevented her from getting a job in the industry after he fired her. If someone calls Douglas to ask about her, he says he would be honest but would never blackball her.

As for the time he allegedly masturbated in front of her without consent, Douglas claims that the story is fabricated.

When asked why he is speaking out and denying the claims even before the story was printed, Douglas says he felt the need to get ahead to protect his family and his career. He also warns that printing a story when a man cannot defend himself would be a step back for the #metoo movement.

"To not even really have the information in front of you, to be able to argue or defend yourself. There is no due process, no chance of seeing evidence in front of me from my accuser. It worries me," Douglas stated. "I'm grateful to have the support of my wife and my kids who've had to share this with me. It has been a complete nightmare. It's really hard to conceive that I have to defend myself against a situation that is 32 years ago, and it was not what they are saying it was."

Time's Up

At the 2018 Golden Globes, the woman of Hollywood launched Time's Up, a movement that seeks to fight sexual harassment and gender-based oppression. Led by celebrities, agents, writers, producers, directors, and executives, the initiative offers a $13 million legal defense fund to help victims, whether female or male, to stand up against their assailant.

Time's Up launched with an open letter signed by Ashley Judd, Eva Longoria, America Ferrera, Rashida Jones, Kerry Washington, Natalie Portman, Emma Stone, and Reese Witherspoon. The legal defense fund will be administered by the National Women's Law Center.

Sexual harassment, Times Up
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