Megyn Kelly Today Writer Fired After Calling Out Its ‘Toxic And Demeaning’ Workplace Culture

The workplace culture inside NBC program Megyn Kelly Today is toxic and demeaning, laden with bullying and abusive treatment. That's what a top staffer who was previously working for the show alleges. But he was reportedly fired after bringing such complaints into view.

Kevin Bleyer was fired from the program this week after voicing several complaints about how certain executives behave, and how their actions contributed to making the workplace a toxic environment.

Page Six reports that Bleyer is accusing two top executives, Jackie Levin and Christine Cataldi, were bullying lower-tier staff members. The writer was fired despite Megyn Kelly's personal crusade being fighting abuse — and more importantly, despite NBC ordering all staff to report unruly or bad behavior in the wake of Matt Lauer's firing over sexual allegations.

To be sure, Bleyer wasn't fired because he wasn't skilled. He already has reaped multiple Emmy Awards, formerly wrote for The Daily Show, and penned speeches for none other than former President Barack Obama. In fact, the dismissal came in swiftly. He sent an email to NBC News's human resources department and shortly thereafter, was fired.

"[T]he executive incompetence continues — as does the dysfunctional management, abusive treatment, maddening hypocrisy, staggering inefficiencies, acidic and deficient communication, and relentless scapegoating," Bleyer wrote in the memo. "Jackie Levin persists in creating a toxic and demeaning environment, and Christine Cataldi enables and reinforces it."

In addition, Bleyer alleges that Cataldi habitually refers to her assistant as "an idiot" and when he made some suggestions for Megyn Kelly Today, Levin referred to him as a "fu**ing whiner."

In his memo, Bleyer highlighted the absurdity of running a show about fighting against abuse when there's homegrown abuse occurring in their own turf, particularly by the executives who have huge influence on the decisions that get made. The abuse stories they air are lauded by critics and audiences, but little do they know that the people who produce these stories are abused themselves, wrote Bleyer.

A representative for NBC News commented on Bleyer's memo, contradicting its statements.

"Jackie and Christine are being attacked unfairly. They are both excellent and experienced producers, and have the full support of everyone here," the representative said, adding that Bleyer was fired simply because he wasn't a good fit for the role, being that he was primarily a comedy writer working in a news-oriented program.

Both Cataldi and Levin have yet to comment on the allegations.

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