WWE Suspends Enzo Amore Over Rape Allegations, Police Now Investigating

WWE Superstar Enzo Amore, whose real name is Eric Arndt, faces difficulties to continue amid an announcement that the current cruiserweight champion has been suspended from the action.

The move came in light of damning rape allegations against Amore by a woman going by the handle @MissGucciWitch on Twitter. She also appears to call herself Philomena, at least online.

In a series of Tweets and screengrabs, Philomena details how Amore allegedly forced himself on her while she was tripping on a cocktail of drugs. He also reportedly told her she should be "begging for this d**k" because of how many Instagram followers Amore has.

WWE suspended Amore ahead of RAW's massive 25th-anniversary show. However, this isn't the superstar's first incident with the company. Last year, rumors swirled Amore was causing such trouble backstage and on the tour bus that several big-name wrestlers refused to even share a locker room with him. There was even talk that he'd been cast out by the Big Dog himself, Roman Reigns.

Amore became the face of WWE's fledgling cruiserweight division, consistently the lowest-ranking among fans, in an effort to pump up the brand. Amore was a huge hit with fans previously when tagging with Big Cass. The two adopted an aesthetic inspired by Jersey Shore that saw them riffing on catchphrases including the use of the slang "SAWFT."

Their dynamic played off Amore's motormouth, high energy persona juxtaposed against the 7-foot Cass's more restrained, strongman style. Last year, when Cass shockingly turned heel on his buddy, the storyline provided a much-needed boost to both wrestlers along with a 22 percent increase in RAW's viewership figures.

Amore is being investigated by police in Arizona for the alleged rape, which Philomena claims happened last October. She alleges she was lured to his hotel room in Phoenix by a man named Tyler Grosso and a woman she refers to on Twitter as "TOOPOOR."

The alleged assault took place while the woman was in and out of consciousness due to the number of drugs ingested prior to the incident. Phoenix PD confirmed there is an ongoing investigation, pending lab results.

The woman known as Philomena has a significant online presence. She named fashion blogger Layla Shapiro as an accomplice to Amore, though Shapiro vehemently denied such claims in a series of since-deleted tweets. Amore has yet to comment publicly on the allegations.

"WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving sexual harassment or sexual assault. Until this matter is resolved, Eric Arndt (aka Enzo Amore) has been suspended," WWE said in a statement.

WWE, Sexual assault
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