Iggy Azalea has been named the new host of MTV's House of Style, MTV reports. The chart-ruling, seven-time VMA nominee will take viewers "from L.A.'s best vintage stores with Jeremy Scott to music video sets with Rita Ora."
The revived series, which originally premiered in 1989 with Cindy Crawford hosting, chronicles the connection between fashion and music with appearances by designers, celebrity trend setters, and more.
The new, eight-episode season premieres August 4 on MTV.com and will be complemented by digital components across mobile, social, and television. Following the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards on August 26, the show will air a VMA fashion special starting at 7 p.m. EST.
Iggy promises the show will be "wild, crazy, fun, and fascinating all at the same time."
"The biggest impact that 'House of Style' had on pop culture is its ability to make fashion fun and interesting to fans who are both diehard fashionistas or not at all," said Iggy Azalea (via Variety). "I am so excited to bring back this iconic show for another generation of teenagers."
Other celebrities who have hosted the show in the '90s include Rebecca Romij and Molly Sims. When it was revived as a web-only series in 2012, models Karlie Kloss and Joan Smalls hosted the show.
"House of Style is a part fashion history; it's a study of the fashion present and a projection of our fashion future," said Colin Helms, SVP of Connected Content for MTV (via Variety). "Keeping with the tradition of the series, we wanted this season's host to have a foot in both the fashion and music worlds. Iggy Azalea is clearly that girl."
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