Grimes stars in the animated series Grimes on the Mississippi. The animation is part of a series of animated shorts in the music history called Drawn & Recorded.
The singer's animation chronicles the time Claire Boucher and her friend set sail on the Mississippi River while on board a 20-foot DIY houseboat. The animation aired as part of AT&T Audience Network's animated shorts, which also includes one of David Bowie's half-brother Terry Burns.
Grime's 5th Studio Album
Grimes also recently teamed up with Janelle Monae on the track "PYNK." The song is featured on Monae's Dirty Computer album.
Earlier this year, Grimes announced that the long-awaited follow-up to 2015's Art Angels will arrive sometime this year.
Prior to her confirmation, Grimes initially told her fans that she will not be able to release new material anytime soon even though she has tons of songs available. She later on clarified that she only needed a month-long break from making music.
"I know I'm screwing my head back on. Can finish [the album] fast and I have a deep well of s*** this time, like soooo many songs so after my album I'll be able to consistently release more music," said Grimes.
Who Is Grimes?
Grimes is a Canadian musician whose real name is Claire Elise Boucher. She also works as a songwriter, record producer, and visual artist. In 2010, the 30-year-old singer released her studio albums Geidi Primes and Halfaxa. A year later, she signed with 4AD.
In 2012, Grimes dropped her third studio album Visions. The two songs from the compilation, namely "Genesis" and "Oblivion" received critical acclaim. Her album, meanwhile, was also hailed as one of the most impressive ones of the year so far by The New York Times.
Some of Grimes' most popular songs include "Realiti," "Kill V. Maim," "Venus Fly," "Flesh Without Blood," "Genesis," "World Princess Part II," "Be a Body," "Go," "California," "Vanessa," "Belly of the Beat," "Life In the Vivid Dream," "Medieval Warfare," "Butterfly," "Dream Fortress," and more.
Three years ago, Grimes talked about her identity and said that she is weirder in real life than she is on stage.
"In my life, I'm a lot weirder than this. Grimes is more palatable for humans. If it was up to me maybe I'd wear a mustache or something. I try to make it digestible to a degree. That's what I'm interested in seeing," said Grimes.
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