Americana Music Association to Tackle Issues About Black Equity and Racism

Americana Music Association to address racism in music via their Facebook page this Thursday August 20.

"Black Equity in Americana: A Conversation" will tackle social and music concerns at around 4:00 p.m. EST.

The special panel will be moderated by Marcus K. Dowling, music journalist for various print media. On top of that, joining the conversation are Black musicians and artists. Some of these musicians are singer-songwriter Kamara Thomas, blues singer Adia Victoria, and musician-theologian Rev. Sekou. Music industry leaders Lilli Lewis, Louisiana Red Hot Records General Manager, and Jason Galaz, Muddy Roots Music Festival event organizer, will also join the discussion.

The Zoom livestream will focus on improving representation and presence of Black artists and leaders in the industry. They plan to address issues and remedies on Americana - specifically blues, gospel, and soul. This is because these three are essential to the music genre's culture and history.

This panel is but one of many discussions that will be held by the musical association regarding Black involvement and musical concerns. They intend not only to make impact but also enact a system that helps address the issues of Black representation. This is in line with how low the representation of black artists currently are in blues, gospel, and soul.

To this end, another online panel is scheduled on September 16-18. This will be held during the said association's Thriving Roots Conference.

Americana Music Association hosted the events with Victory Lap Publicity. The mission of the organization is to advocate for musicians and artists of American Roots Music all over the world.

They work with creative professionals, radio stations, record labels, publishers, and other individuals to promote Americana. To ensure sustainability, they hold interesting events, research, discussions, and other methods to spread information and awareness.

For more information on the livestream and the organization, check out the Facebook page of Americana Music Association.

Racism, Blues, Gospel
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