Here's Why Miley Cyrus Wants The Youth to Practice Their Right to Vote

Here's Why Miley Cyrus Wants The Youth To Practice Their Right To Vote
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On September 13, Sunday, Miley Cyrus appeared on the Sydney, Australia-based podcast "Fitzy & Wippa." There, she was asked how important the upcoming Presidential election was to her, and she revealed why the youth should be practicing their right to vote.

"Listen, I am 27-years-old," she started. "I know I have never experienced an election this important before, and I am not sure that I ever will again. I hope not in my lifetime that the stakes will be as [high as] they are now. I cannot express the importance enough, especially for young people getting out there and being active and making sure that their friends, their family are voting, and have their information about whether it's mailing in, about the state of our country right now."

"The hate, the pain, it is just crucial that we get out there and make changes, and we have someone fit for the job of running our country," she adds.

While most people have taken a "don't worry, be happy" stance during the coronavirus pandemic, Miley Cyrus has not been doing the same. Instead, she believes the worry and pressure are enough to drive Americans to take the pandemic and the election more seriously. As of now, it appears the election will be taking place in tandem with the epidemic, with the virus showing no signs of slowing down.

"I don't believe in 'Don't worry. Be happy'," Miley Cyrus explained. "I believe that worry is healthy. Worry is why we are washing our hands, why we are wearing our masks, why we are keeping our distance. I do not believe in optimism; I believe in realism and not saying, 'Everything is going to be okay.' Nothing is just the way that it is. You have to work for it, and I think that we realize that now."

When speaking up about the youth and how they are during the pandemic and the upgoing election, Miley Cyrus said, "I think young people are stepping up to the plate, really taking charge and getting mobilized. And I think it is also the dedication, working and advocating tirelessly. I think that it is rock bottom here right now, and so I think that if it is desperate times, that is when people step up."

The Presidential Elections will be on November 3, 2020. The nominee for the Republican party is the current President of the United States, Donald Trump, while the Democratic Party nominee is Joe Biden.

Are you voting for this upcoming election?


Miley Cyrus is an American singer-songwriter, actress, and record producer. She first gained fame playing Hannah Montana on the Disney show of the same name. As Hannah Montana, she bagged two number-one and three top-ten songs on the US Billboard 200. Cyrus has sing released her music, with her first album dropping in 2007. She has released six studio albums and two extended plays. She has an upcoming studio album titled "SheIs Miley Cyrus," but the date of release has yet to be announced.

As of 2019, Cyrus has sold more than 20 million albums and 55 million singles worldwide. She is often used as an example for a successful child star-turned-singer. As an actress, Miley Cyrus acted in the animated film "Bolt" and feature films "Hannah Montana: The Movie" and "The Last Song." She was a vocal coach for two seasons on the "The Voice" and starred in an episode of "Black Mirror" in 2019.

Miley Cyrus
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