Today, David Bazan released two singles, "Nobody's Perfect" and "Sparkling Water."
Bazan is likely most recognizable as the lead singer of Pedro the Lion, but he has also collaborated or toured with the likes of Damien Jurado, Frank Lenz, Ben Gibbard, Jonathan Rice and Dallas Green. Paste Magazine has rated him one of the 100 Best Living Songwriters.
Bazan put out "Nobody's Perfect" and "Sparkling Water" as part of his Bazan Monthly endeavor, in which he plans to release two songs on the first of each month. The monthly issues will run through November after the fifth release. Combined they will form Bazan Monthly: Volume 1, and Bazan notes that he plans to continue with these Volumes in the future.
In addition to the aforementioned musicians, Bazan has collaborated on this month's Bazan Monthly issue with other important artists. Yukki Matthews of The Shins, Crystal Skulls and Teardrops mixed and produced the tracks. TW Walsh, formerly of Pedro the Lion and The Soft Drugs, mastered the songs. He has also done various mastering for Cold War Kids, Sufjan Stevens and The Mynabirds. Richard Swift produced the art for this issue; he is in The Shins and is a touring member of The Black Keys. One can't help but think that the four should take the next step and form a band.
This intriguing mixture of artists is compounded upon by the concept of Bazan Monthly itself. Listeners can play the tracks for free on Bazan's site, and are offered the chance to buy a 7" vinyl plus digital or digital only. The vinyl will only be pressed until the end of November.
The songs themselves are worth a listen, and Bazan has continued on with the clear, honest songwriting and moving vocals he is known for. Press play and give us your feedback in the comments below.
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