ENHYPEN Jungwon Offers Sincere Apology Following 'Insensitive' CSAT Statement

The Sports Seoul via Getty Images

ENHYPEN member Jungwon offered his sincere apology to fans following his "rude" comment about the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT).

On Thursday, he held the group's V Live "D1" and welcomed thousands of local and international fans during the broadcast. It happened before the fan meeting at the KBS Arena a day after the 2022 college entrance exam.

In one part of the clip, Jungwon left an "inappropriate" comment to their fans who took the CSAT before joining them.

"Won't the fans who are attending the fan meeting the day after the CSAT not do well on the test?" he said, adding. "Well, the CSAT isn't that important."

After the statement went viral, the K-pop idol immediately corrected his deed and apologized for his behavior.

ENHYPEN Jungwon Apologizes

On Weverse, Jungwon penned a lengthy statement addressed to their fandom, ENGENES. He said he wanted to shed light on the issue before meeting the fans in person.

According to him, he failed to offer a deep understanding of the feelings of those who took the college entrance exam.

"I was nervous at that time as well as excited at the time we did Vlive, so I wasn't able to understand the feeling of the exam takers who had a difficult time studying for too long. I felt I was immature. I am so sorry," he said.

He also assured the fans who would come to the fan meeting that he would do his best to make them enjoy the show with a positive mindset.

In the end, he pledged to be more careful and thoughtful following the incident.

After issuing his apology, fans applauded him for not running away from his mistake and doing something to make it up to their fans.

One said, "jungwon's apology just shows how understanding he is and that he's willing to be educated. no need to get mad and throw hates. they're still young and they're bound to make mistakes sometimes (we all do) and that doesnt mean you all have the right to bully and call them names!"

"best leader, best boy. jungwon really stood up for himself, accepted his mistakes, and apologized for it. pls, knetz, accept his apology. he is still young & learning," another added.

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