Early Friday morning (August 9), "Fine China" crooner Chris Brown suffered a seizure at LA's Record Plant recording studios. The police were called but Breezy simply refused treatment, sending several fans (and girlfriend Karrueche Tran) into a worrisome tizzy. But according to Brown's rep, the seizure was non-epileptic and ultimately triggered by "intense fatigue and extreme emotional stress, both due to the continued onslaught of unfounded legal matters and the nonstop negativity." Still, a "frantic" Tran is sad that she can't be there to take care of her man during his time of need. Meanwhile, Breezy's ex-flame Rihanna continues hardcore partying.
After hearing that her on-and-off again beau had suffered a seizure, Tran couldn't control her emotions. Things only got worse when she couldn't get ahold of Brown. A friend close to the model tells Hollywood Life:
"She heard about Chris' unfortunate accident this morning and the first thing she did was grab her phone and call to him to make sure he was all right... She couldn't believe it, she thought the worst and cried.
Allegedly, Breezy finally called Tran back, insisting that he was fine but just "really tired."
"She was relieved after that and told him to take care of himself and that she wished she could be there for him," the supposed insider explains. "He constantly told her not worry though."
Tran's currently working outside of LA, but she's hoping to get back home soon to tend to her man:
"That's her boy and she loves him so much and when he's hurt or sick, she's hurt and sick. Her whole day was off and awkward after she heard what he is going through back home. She wants to be with him so badly, to take care of him and feed him and just be there for him but she's working out of town this weekend. As soon as she's done, she's going home to him."
How sweet! Guess things are getting pretty serious...
According to the Epilepsy Foundation:
Non-epileptic seizures (NES) are episodes that briefly change a person's behavior and may look like epileptic seizures. Non-epileptic seizures are episodic, paroxysmal events not related to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Considered to be of psychological rather than physical origin, they offer a major challenge to diagnosis and treatment.
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