Taylor Swift Gives Fan $90 For Chipotle, Continues To Prove She's An Incredibly Sweet Person

I'm generally not the kind of person who's blown away when celebrities act like rational, polite human beings, but two weeks ago, pop star Taylor Swift surprised a fan with a birthday gift that even I thought was incredibly sweet. According to Gawker, while taking a stroll through Central Park with a reporter from Rolling Stone on July 24th, Swift stopped to take a photo with a fan that spotted her from a rowboat (she helped her out of the rowboat, by the way). Then, after finding out that it just so happened to be the fan's birthday, Swift gave her $90 out of her own purse to go have lunch at Chipotle.

Here are some tweets from the fan’s friend about the bizarre encounter, including photos:

In Buzzfeed’s piece about the incident, they point out that $90 is enough to buy 12 burritos from Chipotle, so that must have truly been the greatest birthday of all time.

While part of me wants to believe that Swift was just acting particularly nice that day because there was a reporter around, that’s an incredibly cynical road that I don’t feel like going down right now. Let’s hope we get more info on this story when that interview is finally published in Rolling Stone.

Taylor Swift
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