Cardi, Tasha K Update: Vlogger Wants New Trial Against Rapper After Massive First Loss

Cardi B

Cardi B accuser Tasha K wants another trial after losing on a recently-concluded one with the female rapper months ago.

Per the vlogger, Cardi has failed to disprove the prostitution and HPV claims that came stemmed from the issue.

Experts have described Tasha's attempt to overturn the ruling as a "slim chance" as her argument of disproval makes no sense.

Tasha K's New Claims Against Cardi B

Per the court documents that All Hip-Hop has recently obtained, the court filing shows that Tasha K, formally known as Latasha Kebe, has pointed out a possible loophole in the already decided case.

The filing states that Belcalis Almanzar, widely known as Cardi B, did not disprove the prostitution and HPV claims in the lawsuit.

"[Cardi B's] claims were based on six statements, which she alleged were Defamatory. However, Plaintiff failed to prove, with clear and convincing evidence, that the Defendants published any of those six statements with actual malice. The gist of Plaintiff's evidence consisted of her testimony that those six statements were not true. Meanwhile, the Defendants presented a plethora of evidence, showing the origin of each one of the six statements and proving the Defendants did not act with actual malice," the filing reads.

Last January, Cardi B won the defamation lawsuit against Tasha K. The jury ruled the vlogger guilty of defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and, yes, invasion of privacy (no pun intended).

Elsewhere on the filing, Tasha K's lawyer also pointed out that her client never made the statement that Cardi B has genital herpes, compared to what was talked about in court.

Demanding a new trial, Tasha K asserts that the jury had "erroneously" found her guilty of the following crimes and wanted the original verdict to be "reversed in its entirety; and should the case be tried again, character evidence must be allowed.

Legal Experts Weigh In On the Tasha K's New Appeal

In a Rolling Stone article, Defamation and Law Expert Michael Overing of the University of Southern California Annenberg School of Journalism described the appeal as having "slim chances" of overturning the ruling.

One of the arguments that Kebe contends is the alleged herpes statement that the vlogger publicized.

"I think it has a pretty slim chance of prevailing. She's got a right to appeal. But everything I saw showed that she got a fair trial. It was pretty clear that the things she said about Cardi were motivated by malice and spite, and she did them solely to increase her (audience). Because of that, she wasn't really believable," Overing elaborated.

The high-profile defamation trial awarded Cardi B $4 million, the very decision that Tasha K wants to overturn.

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