AC/DC's Brian Johnson Unveils Memoir 'The Lives Of Brian': 'It Wasn't So Much To Validate My Life'

AC/DC's Brian Johnson
Brendon Thorne/Getty Images

AC/DC's frontman, Brian Johnson, opened up about his fairytale-like life, coming from humble beginnings to massive success, thanking all the people who helped [him] get to where he is now in his memoir, "The Lives Of Brian: A Memoir."

The memoir is slated to be released on Oct. 25, and fans can expect the book to be a journey and experience much like AC/DC's music.

"I had to be careful, because sometimes it can get a little emotional, and it all comes out," Johnson admitted to Billboard. "It goes from your brain into your heart, through the soul and then the hand and you're writing and you gotta stop and, 'Whoo, this might be a bit much now, come on.' And there were tears. There were times I actually started crying."

Johnson also explained that he opted to have a memoir over a movie because he "hated movies about bands."

He revealed that there had been several offers for the book rights, but his management rejected them.


Johnson also noted that the book "wasn't so much to validate [his] life, "It was to validate the lives of all the wonderful people that I met that helped shape my life - friends from school, friends at the factories, friends in the music," he said.

According to reports, before he became the frontman of the legendary and iconic rock band, he was fixing roofs. Associated Press described his rise to success as a "Cinderella story."

The 75-year-old not only had one instance wherein he had a fairytale-like experience but three times.

"I don't know what it is, I just never, ever sort of gave in," he said. "I was always willing to give something a shot when more pessimistic people wouldn't have. I always thought the glass was half-full."

Fans will be able to read his thoughts and follow his journey in achieving his dream of becoming a rock 'n' roll singer. However, fans should not expect to read about too much AC/DC's background and history, because Johnson did not dive that deep into it.

He added that it will be a different book altogether. "That book belongs to the persons who were there from the start because that's what I want to hear," he said.

Johnson ended his interview with AP in a sweet note, saying that he dedicated his memoir to his grandchildren, and now fans will get to know him more as well.

"I hope the words in this book help to get to know me just a little more. And I hope there's a little bit of me in you, and I hope you have a long and lovely life."

Brian johnson, AC/DC, Memoir, Book
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