Simon Cowell has admitted that he was a "nightmare" child and he had engaged in so many crazy behaviors and even criminal activities, before he even became a teenager.
He had his first drink and cigarette at the age of eight.
The 62-year-old music magnate described how his boredom in school and rebellion against his parents led to his incarceration.
Cowell disclosed that he was apprehended after pointing a pea-shooting rifle at a terrified bus driver while attempting to seize the vehicle.
Addressing the Sun, Cowell described how horrible he was when he was the age of his eight-year-old kid, Eric.
He shared that when he was Eric's age, he was so terrible. At that tender age, he was already drinking and smoking at eight o'clock, and I once almost set the house on fire.
He further stated that he found the costume and set fire to the beard in an attempt to prove to his brother that Santa Claus was not real.
He went on to explain how he lit his house on fire, stating that he dropped his beard on the sofa, which caused the entire room to catch fire. He also admitted that, as a child, he stole his father's automobile and crashed it when he was 10 years old.
However, despite crashing his father's automobile, Simon stated that his father had always been the "softer" parent. He continued by stating that his mother was more of the disciplinarian type, but his father was the gentler of the two.
Even though he rebelled frequently as a child, he admitted that he could not recall his father ever raising his voice to him.
Simon recently revealed that, after becoming a parent, he is overprotective of his son Eric to the point of being "borderline insane." In addition, he stated that his son is never permitted to leave and will "live with him forever." As he recalls what he was like when he was the same age as his kid, he asserts that his concern for his son has been motivated by his own anxieties. Not only has Simon's troubled past surprised us, but he also stated that he was incredibly shy as a child.
But, oddly enough, his job actually made him more at ease because many folks recognize him and he no longer has to introduce himself.
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