Mike Donehey Says No Man is an Island

(Photo : Provident)
Tenth Avenue North
Tenth Avenue North's Mike Donehey shares what the phrase "no man is an island" means to him in a video that says more in four minutes than many people say in a lifetime.

He explains that the body of Christ is a family, that God is a community and that we are made in the image of His community. So what does that mean in the practical sense? Are you ready for a gut check? Get out your spiritual band-aids because this one may cut deep!

Mike says, "We need each other. How else are we ever gonna love like God unless we're forced to love people who don't deserve it? God loves us undeservingly, and then He invites us to love in the same way."

That gives a whole new meaning to Mark 12:31 ("The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'") doesn't it?

So, while living in your bubble or on your island, only spending your time with people that you like and only loving those who you feel deserve it, may be more comfortable, it's not how God called us to live.

Take the challenge today. Step outside of yourself and fellowship with the rest of your Christian family. Or, as Mike so aptly says, "If we want to participate in the Divine, then we need to come off our islands and come back to the shore."

Tenth Avenue North
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