Golden Globes: Did Pianist Chloe Flower Try to Sabotage Michelle Yeoh’s Acceptance Speech?

Michelle Yeoh, Chloe Flower
Amy Sussman/Getty Images, Amy Sussman/Getty Images

This year's Golden Globes was a hit for international audiences as many of their favorites won their respective categories. One of which was Michelle Yeoh who bagged the evening's best performance by an actress in a musical or comedy.

Despite the coveted awards show getting praise, there was one specific incident that got a lot of buzzes. When Yeoh was sharing her acceptance speech, the piano started playing in the background to indicate that her time is up and it was time for her to go off the stage.

However, the actress, who won thanks to her performance in the movie "Everything Everywhere All at Once," wasn't done sharing her sentiments, leading her to joke, "Shut up, please. I can beat you up, and that's serious."

A day after the show, pianist Chloe Flower is clarifying what really happened during the ceremony, saying she was not responsible for what happened.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, the musician said she was not the person who played the piano over the acceptance speeches of the evening.

The pianist also revealed that she already spoke to Michelle Yeoh and the actress embraced her.

"She reached out and grabbed my hand, and I was like, 'I would never play during your speech.' We talked for a minute, so it was really nice," she told the outlet.

During the awards show, Flower said she didn't know Yeoh was coming and when she saw her, she was starstruck.

When the acceptance speech happened, the pianist became rattled as she didn't want her to think that she was the one playing the piano to signal that her time was up, adding, "I would never do that."

To explain what happened even more, the musician noted that it was a stressful moment for her and she couldn't do or say anything because she wasn't playing at the time.

The reason why she attended the event was to represent iconic movie and TV film scores and she even canceled her holiday just to prepare for the Golden Globes.

"That's someone else doing that. I have no control," she said, adding that the production didn't discuss it with her because it was "beyond" her role.

In order to clarify any misunderstandings, Flowers stopped each winner after their acceptance speech to explain that she didn't play the music while they were on stage.

Golden Globes, Speech, Piano, Pianist, News, Music
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