Amy Grant on Recovering from Horrific Bike Accident: Singer Admits Performing Still 'Scares' Her

Amy Grant on Recovering from Horrific Bike Accident: Singer Admits Performing Still 'Scares' Her
Jason Kempin/Getty Images

Amy Grant is slowly getting herself back together.

The best-selling Christian music artist fell off her bike in a Nashville park last July and sustained some pretty serious injuries.

Months later, she has made tremendous improvement-so much so that she's finally performing for live shows again.

However, Grant admitted that being onstage still terrifies her: "So the first night of the Christmas tour, which is the first time back on tour ... and I was on heels.

"I was, like, holding onto the piano. Before the show I was like, 'I'm so scared. I'm so scared.' And I work with so many great singers, and they're like, 'We got you, we got you.'"

According to reports, the singer's fears stem from her apparent memory loss, which was a result of the traumatic brain injury she suffered.

Although she voiced her fears about performing, Grant added that her family and friends continue to be very supportive of her, which proved to be beneficial in her recovery.

"I wrote this long book. It was a spiral notebook," she explained how she worked around her memory loss by exercising her mind. "And I was just writing to remember, writing - making sure I could remember everybody's name in my family, which I couldn't, at first."

This, of course, applies to song lyrics-but her faith has continued to pull her through.

"It's helped me not be afraid. And just to go however this turns out, I believe I'm held by love," Grant said.

"I was nervous that first day. I forgot lyrics to songs that I wrote. I'm just on a healing journey, but this time here. You know, love and kindness is also very healing, and I'm not kidding - I feel filled up from head to toe."

This is not the first time the Grammy-winning singer has undergone major surgery, in fact, it has happened several times already.

Prior to her accident, she had a cyst removed from her throat; she also had open-heart surgery back in 2021.

I feel fantastic," the singer said. "[...] . And I feel like I'm emerging. I went, 'Oh man, I feel like a classic now.' And actually sort of re-revved up in a really beautiful way."

Amy Grant, Accident, Health
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