The NBC show's "3rd Hour" hosts Sheinelle Jones, Dylan Dreyer, and Craig Melvin had the opportunity of interviewing John Legend, a coach on "The Voice."
Craig made a humorous pointed comment about Blake Shelton throughout the conversation, much to everyone's enjoyment.
Sheinelle was excited to speak with the EGOT winner about Blake because it was his final season on "The Voice."
When discussing The Voice with the "Today" team, John was ecstatic. "It's been such a familial experience for us," he said, "especially with Blake involved."
He said that Blake had been a member of the show since its inception and was its driving force.
The "All of Me" singer expressed sadness as Blake Shelton confirmed that this will be his final season on "The Voice."
"It's hard to picture the show without him, but he deserves the best and so our thoughts are with him."
Before the A-lister could finish his remark, presenter Craig intervened and questioned Blake's choice to leave "The Voice" entirely.
"That may be a gimmick," Craig cautioned everyone in the room.
When Sheinelle asked what he meant, Craig said that he thought it may be a "Tom Brady situation."
Although there was still the possibility of Blake returning to the program, it was evident how much he would be missed.
Blake Shelton Talks About Leaving 'The Voice'
In the wake of the announcement of his leaving, it was recently revealed why coach and TV personality Blake Shelton opted to leave the program after this season.
He acknowledged to "Today" that he had been thinking about quitting the program for a few years.
He told Carson Daly during an interview that he had considered leaving Oklahoma after Covid struck.
Yet, because of his devotion and gratitude for how much it had altered his life, he opted to stay despite his concerns about putting "everyone in a bind."
"I think I was close to calling it a day," he declared. "But because of Covid, I didn't want anyone feeling stuck without me. So I'll stay here until we can get back to some sense of normalcy."
When talking with Carson, it was clear how much the show meant to him.
He revealed: "Meeting my wife [Gwen Stefani] on this program has had a profound effect on me. It's completely reshaped my life in every way imaginable."
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