Kanye West Up to No Good? Rapper Deactivates Instagram AGAIN

Kanye West
Brandon Magnus/Getty Images

Who knows how many times Kanye West has deactivated (and reactivated) his social media accounts?

No one can keep count anymore, but one thing is for certain: people are glad he's gone, and they hope he stays away for good.

According to The Root, the Chicago rapper surprised people on Twitter by sharing a screenshot of him deactivating his Instagram account-temporarily.

Sure enough, when people checked his Instagram account, a notice popped up: "User not found" or "Sorry, this page isn't available."

Will this be the final time West deactivates his Instagram account, and what does it actually even mean?

Kanye West and Social Media

Everybody knows that the "Golddigger" rapper is a little too enthusiastic about his social media accounts, specifically Twitter and Instagram.

That's where most of his most controversial takes are being posted. In fact, he has been suspended on both platforms several times before.

When West and his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian, first broke up, he pestered her non-stop on Instagram. He would also harass the reality star's then-boyfriend, Pete Davidson.

Aside from the two, he also harassed several other individuals, like "The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah, and Adidas executives.


Months ago, before he was almost excommunicated from both the music and fashion industry, the "Donda" rapper waged war on Adidas.

West had famously worked with the German brand to produce his line Yeezy, but the feud ended their years-long collaboration and relationship.

"The fact [adidas] felt they could color my shoes and name them without my approval is really wild," the rapper wrote in an Instagram post.

"I really care about building something that changes the world and something I can leave to my kids. They tried to buy me out for 1 billion dollars [USD]. My royalties next year are 500 million dollars [USD] alone."

Eventually, after feuding with pretty much anyone and everyone who used to be in his circle, West began sharing more controversial takes.

He began using both platforms to forward his antisemitic agenda. It was on Twitter when he infamously announced that he would go "death con 3 On Jewish people", reports say.

According to more recent reports, West apologized for his antisemitic statements and declared that he "likes Jewish people again" after watching "21 Jump Street" and professing his love for Jonah Hill's performance in the movie.

As of this writing, there is no word on why West decided to take down his Instagram account-or if he plans to deactivate any of his other accounts, like Twitter.

Kanye West, Instagram
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