In the early seasons of the comedy-musical series "Glee," Dianna Agron was Cory Monteith's original on-screen partner. Known as the original Queen Bee of William Mckinley High School, Agron played Quinn Fabray, opposite Monteith's Finn Hudson.
However, when "Glee" made a tribute episode to Monteith/Hudson on the show after his tragic untimely passing, Agron was surprisingly absent from the episode, shocking and angering fans.
Dianna Agron Absent on 'Glee' Tribute 'Quarterback'
Cory Monteith passed away on Jul. 13, 2013 due to substance abuse - a combination of heroin and alcohol overdose. He was found lifeless in his Vancouver hotel room. At the time, Monteith was in a relationship with co-star Lea Michele, whose diva attitude was highly reported and corroborated by her co-stars of the show.
Notably, the series was months away from airing its fifth season, but because of Monteith's death, adjustments were made to interject the tribute episode on the third season and to weave his passing into the storyline.
All the main characters of the show, including the alumni were present in the heartbreaking tribute episode. However, Agron and her character Quinn were absent.
Reports at the time that Michele did not want Agron on the set have come about, noting that her diva behavior was to be blamed.
However, in an interview with Rolling Stone, Agron, once and for all, cleared the air.
READ ALSO : Cory Monteith's Death Still Lingers Nearly a Decade After His Passing, Former Roommate Says
Was Dianna Agron Barred From Appearing on 'Glee' Tribute To Cory Monteith?
Based on a Rolling Stone interview about this, it was "not true."
"I think there are so many false pieces of information out there. That's the weirdest thing that you have to learn in this industry - you don't comment on things that are untrue, because that gives them more space," she revealed.
However, Agron still did not shed light on why she was not present during the episode.
"Maybe at the end of my career I'll write a book and go into detail on everything that was very true and very untrue," she further offered.
It was only until the 100th episode of "Glee" that Agron was invited back in, which was seven episodes after the tribute episode. Agron's character Quinn wasn't given a time to grieve nor an explanation what led to her ex-boyfriend's demise on the show - which received massive backlash from the fanbase because of its poor writing.
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