Tory Lanez Sentencing Trial Delayed Again: Rapper Expected To Face 13 Years in Jail

Tory Lanez
Roy Rochlin/Getty Images for BMI

In an expected turnout of events on the Megan Thee Stallion vs Tory Lanez assault trial, the latter's supposed sentencing trial was successfully delayed and rescheduled to a later date as they had initially hoped.

Tory Lanez was convicted of three counts of felonies-assault with a semiautomatic firearm, having a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle, and discharging a firearm with gross negligence.

Tory Lanez Sentencing Trial

In a Billboard report, Judge David Herriford, the same judge that Tory Lanez, formally known as Daystar Peterson, initially wanted to disqualify, has accepted his petition to delay the sentencing trial to a later date.

Tory Lanez's sentencing trial is now scheduled to take place on Aug. 7, 2023. Initially, Lanez petitioned for a new trial on May 9, 2023; however, Judge Herriford turned it down.

Peterson's legal counsel argued that a new trial should be put in motion as there was "insufficient evidence" exhibited enough to convict him of the crimes, and some of the evidence presented "should not have been allowed."

"Ineffective counsel" was said to have been the reason for the new trial, as Peterson's former counsel had failed to provide him with the best possible representation. However, Judge Herriford noted that the new counsel, Jose Baez, could not use that argument as it was not indicated in the motion for a new trial-thereby making his argument null.

Meanwhile, Judge Herriford expressed his stance on the matter, denying allegations of bias and prejudice against Peterson.

"All rulings made by me in this action have been based upon facts and arguments officially presented to me and upon my understanding of the law" he said in a statement as quoted by AllHipHop. "All statements made by me and all actions taken by me in this proceeding have been done in furtherance of what I believe were my judicial duties."

Tory Lanez Sentence

As of this writing, the sentence for Tory Lanez has not yet been issued. However, prosecutors are asking for 13 years in prison and deportation to Canada as he is a Canadian native.

The maximum sentence for Tory Lanez is 22 years in prison and exportation. The reason why Judge Herriford allowed the sentencing trial to be delayed was to give Peterson's counsel enough time to prepare for their sentencing recommendation.

Tory Lanez
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