Lil Kim Heavily Edited Ebony Magazine Cover Her Own Decision, Control: Photographer

Lil Kim
Terence Rushin/Getty Images

Twitter was set ablaze and bewildered when the magazine cover of Ebony Magazine's recent cover shoot went viral. Female rap pioneer Lil Kim graced the cover.

While seeing the rapper is not the question, her face on the cover shoot got people thinking if it was Artificial Intelligence generated or if was it really her because of how heavily edited or manipulated it was.

Now, a photographer of the shoot has made some shocking allegations.

Ebony Magazine Lil Kim Cover Shoot

Commemorating 50 Years of HipHop, rapper Lil Kim was at the forefront of Ebony Magazine, which was quite fitting considering her early contributions to the genre. While her being there is no question, her appearance on the shoot was the one that sparked discussions on social media.


Kim, 49, sparked a huge backlash on social media on how heavily edited the photo cover was.

"Now Ebony knows they need their asses whooped. Why they got Kimberly looking like AI?" a confused user asked on social media.

"This retouch is so bad, I thought it was AI. Somebody pls tell me it is. QUICKLY," another commented.

"whoever edited this was running that facetune app like the navy," another joked.

"Who is that? Thats not the lil kim i know" someone asked.

"People gon miss heaven cos their death ID doesn't match their Birth ID," someone chimed in.

Clearly, Twitter users want someone's head on a stick, and they have been hounding Ebony Magazine to explain what prompted them to allow such heavy manipulation and editing on the cover shoot.

Days later, the Director of Photography of Ebony Magazine came forward and gave an explanation to one of the Internet's most burning questions.

Lil Kim Ebony Magazine Cover Shoot Her Own Decision?

Taking to Instagram, Ebony Magazine's Keith Major, the Director of Photography of the publication, commented on one user's comment asking who photographed it. (via Page Six)

"Man, she wanted to be in control of the retouching so this is what we got," he responded candidly.

Turns out, some of the fan speculation on Twitter/X were right all along as Lil Kim was the one giving the final shots on the actual output.

Lil Kim's appearance has been a hot topic ever since before as she has been very public with her multiple cosmetic surgeries to conceal the bruises that she got from domestic violence.

Lil' Kim
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