Doja Cat Racist, Neo-Nazi Allegations Confirmed? Rapper Under Fire Over Sam Hyde Shirt

Doja Cat
John Lamparski/Getty Images

Doja Cat has always been unpredictable, erratic, and confusing on social media. Her antics have caused debate and controversy, especially among music fans, and the general public.

Most recently, her social media post generated a buzz after people noticed who the person on her shirt was and its controversial ties to nazism and white supremacy.

Doja Cat Under Fire For Wearing Neo-Nazi Shirt

On her latest Instagram photo dump, Doja Cat got everyone talking when she was spotted wearing a black shirt with a photo of controversial comedian Sam Hyde in it.

According to Page Six, Hyde has ties with the neo-nazi movement and white supremacy.

In 2017, Hyde made a $5.000 pledge to neo-Nazi blogger Andrew Anglin, The Los Angeles Times reported at the time. Anglin was in the middle of a legal battle with the Southern Poverty Law Center for terrorizing a Jewish woman back then.

Hyde developed a following composed of white nationalists, antisemites, and misogynists, the outlet says.

Since receiving flak, Doja Cat has deleted the Instagram story already.

"Doja Cat gets away with being a TERRIBLE person because she has that cringe 'quirky' white incel panderer thing going on for her. It's kinda hard to look at someone like that and be like "oh she's the devil", you're only like "her stoopid ass has started again" and move on," a user commented.

"imagine being a pick me for incels... like doja cat is really trying her best to be cancelled and un-famous again just so she can get back to those racial chat rooms full time," someone wrote.

"Doja cat is a trailer trash white woman hands down. She ain't no dummy tho because she's catering to that cult so if a lot of her Black fans fall off she can still maintain her career," another posted.

Doja Cat Racist?

In 2020, at the height of Doja Cat's career, she was linked and was alleged to have partaken in racist conversations online. (via BBC)

A song she made, titled Dindu Nuffin, was believed to be a mock song that talks about a female victim of police brutality. Admitting to the allegations, she apologized to her fans.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you or made you feel in any way upset," she told fans. However, she dismissed the fact that it was linked to an innocent woman.

"To see a song, my song that I made, connected to an innocent black woman's death is one of the most awful rumours that I've ever encountered," she apologized.

Doja Cat was also accused of engaging with alt-right people in online chatrooms. While she admitted being on those chatrooms, she claimed to have "never been involved in any racist conversations."

Doja Cat
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