At 20, Landon Barker Reveals He Suffered From Alcoholism, Mental Health Problems

Landon Barker
Leon Bennett/Getty Images

Landon Barker is gearing toward a career in music, similar to his father, Travis Barker. Very much like his father, Landon has also experienced quite a lot growing up - among those are having mental problems and alcoholism.

Landon Barker Suffers From Alcoholism, Mental Health Problems

According to an interview with People Magazine, Landon Barker revealed that he was diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, anxiety, derealization, and depression.

"It originally started with a bad habit with alcohol. I was abusing it and just abusing that substance, and then one day it just shocked me, and I had gone through that for months. It was awful, and I went through heightened OCD, heightened ADHD and heightened anxiety, all while disassociating and feeling like I was in a video game," Landon detailed in the interview.

He revealed that he thought he was "watching" his whole life through a movie screen, which he describes to be "awful." In return, Landon makes it a habit to spread awareness about it to destigmatize the rather sensitive issue.

When asked whether he still struggles with the said mental health issues, Landon had this to say.

"I've always struggled with OCD, ADHD and anxiety, but yeah, disassociating and dissociation kind of just hit me like a truck last year and it was just the most awful experience," he revealed.

According to the 20-year-old musician, his dissociation starts when he drinks, and the day after, he would "disassociate really bad," which prompted a pattern of a habit of drinking.

"I'd feel better the second that I had a drink, and so yeah, it kind of just all started and it all kicked up really fast," he recalled.

How Does Landon Barker Cope-Up With His Mental Health Problems?

Elsewhere in the interview, Landon also revealed that he has a way in processing and coping with the problem.

He revealed that a concussion helped him with the drinking problem.

"When I got my concussion, I kind of just had to deal with it and I would just, I don't know, I just hated life for three or four months. It was pretty awful. I remember I would just go to the hospital once a week just because I would have such bad panic attacks from everything that was going on. The disassociation happened first and then it all just got worse when I went through my concussion," he confessed.

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