The highly anticipated documentary about John Lennon's death, titled "John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial," will be premiering on Apple TV+ soon, and it will include several bombshell revelations about the singer and his tragic, sudden death.
One of the people who were interviewed in the documentary is taxi driver, Richard Peterson, who witnessed David Chapman, the man who murdered Lennon 40 years ago.
"'Oh! John Lennon must be coming out next,'" Peterson recalled seeing the singer's wife Yoko Ono exiting a limo and heading towards a building in New York. "I had never seen him in person. It was sort of like, oh, I can say I saw John Lennon."
A Witness to John Lennon's Murder Recount Events
What happened next scarred not only the taxi driver, but the entire music industry and the world, when several gunshots rang in the air.
"I'm looking at him, looking through the front window of my cab. I'm looking at him shoot him. Five shots," Peterson continued. This guy just shot John Lennon. He shot him."
The events on Dec 8, 1980 were so senseless that it did not occur to him that he had just witnessed Lennon get shot and killed right in front of him.
"I thought they were making a movie. That's what I thought, I thought they were making a movie. But I didn't see no lights or cameras or anything, so I just realized, 'Hey, this ain't no movie.'"
Peterson also described Chapman's composure right after the incident, "[he was] calm as a cucumber."
John Lennon's Murderer Issues Apology
Chapman never faced a trial, as he pleaded guilty to police at the crime scene; he was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison for second-degree murder.
Other witnesses to the horrific scene recalled what the shooter said right after killing the Beatles singer: "'He actually apologized to us. He said: 'Gee I'm sorry I ruined your night.' And I said, You gotta be kidding me, you just ruined your whole life."
When asked why he killed the singer, Champman replied: "'All You Need Is Love,' have you ever heard that?
"Well, this is what I say to that: all you need is love and 250 million dollars. He was the biggest, phoniest b****rd that ever lived."
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