Pharrell Talks With CNN's Don Lemon, Discusses Ferguson And Mike Brown Shooting

Pharrell is speaking out on Ferguson and the shooting of Mike Brown.

When asked for his opinion of Ferguson during an interview with CNN's Don Lemon, the "Happy" crooner was feeling a different type of emotion than the one he harmonized about.

"What did I think of Ferguson? I'm disappointed," he said. "I'm disappointed like in the way it was handled from the government side. I think that officers should be punished because that was excessive force. All those shots, where those shots were, the idea that that child laid on the ground –– he's a child."

In the four-minute clip posted by CNN, Pharrell makes some valuable points, careful to note that he doesn't cosign all the events that caused chaos among citizens after the murder.

Watch Pharrell give his take on things below.

It seems as though Lemon kept a thing or two in mind while interviewing a hip-hop star after his mishap with Talib Kweli last month.

Kweli appeared on CNN to discuss the riots in Ferguson with Lemon, but what should have been an intelligent discussion on police brutality and race relations in this country took a turn for the worst when Lemon interrupted Kweli.

The hip-hop activist criticized the media and their coverage of events. Lemon quickly disagreed with Kweli's criticism, saying the CNN has been "balanced...telling the stories of young black men and their interactions with police officers."

Kweli went on to criticize CNN directly, saying that their coverage of the riots has been inaccurate, based on what he's seen and Lemon wasn't having that. He began to interrupt Kweli, which led to a heated debate, where Kweli called out Lemon for being rude to him prior to the interview.

Pharrell, Don lemon, Mike Brown
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