Meek Mill and Fivio Foreign Release New Song, 'Same 24'

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Rappers Meek Mill and Fivio Foreign release a new song and music video "Same 24" which is about how they made it out of poverty and poor circumstances, but still remain true to themselves. Each lyric depicts how everyone around Foreign or Mill had the same opportunities to get rich or die trying, but when they made it everyone around tried to take advantage of them.

Foreign opened the song explaining how he went through specific circumstances that many celebrities go through when they start making money. Foreign raps, "I got famous, friends died, I lost life to this/And everybody actin' funny/Always get mad when I tell 'em that they actin' funny/And they gon' hate me with their soul, but they gon' ask for money/And when I tell 'em niggas "No," they say I'm actin' funny/Like I don't know the real truth/Like I don't know the shit that I survived would've killed you/I got rich, but when I was broke, I was on them pills too/To walk a mile in my feet, you had to steal shoes/We got the same twenty-four hours, nigga/Why what's mine gotta be ours, nigga?/Talkin' 'bout niggas need help, nigga, I was "niggas."

This bar explained what happens after people get famous and how the expectations of them increase amongst friends and family. It also explains that when these people get called-out for their bad behavior their demeanor and attitudes completely change. Fans have responded well to the music video making it #12 on Youtube's trending music.

Fan @elizabethsteve2960 commented on Youtube, "Once again, Fivio Foreign has proven himself as a musical maestro, gracing us with yet another unforgettable composition."

The song tells the story of humble beginnings and how the road to riches comes with change. Whether it's hate or envy, the song tells the story of how the people closest to you can think that your hard work is their hard work.

Another fan @KerbsterRules commented "Damn Fivio really said some real sh*t on this record! People really need to listen and pay attention! What he is saying goes for anyone dealing with similar situations! What mines shouldn't be ours unless we putting in the work together! If not just be appreciative and be proud I'm winning without the jealousy and hate! They both went in! This is real Rap! Hip Hop FR."

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