32 NFL Team Owners Prepared To Fire Commissioner Roger Goodell If He Purposely Lied About Ray Rice's Violent Videotape

What began as an incident of domestic violence between former Baltimore Ravens player Ray Rice and his wife, Janay Palmer has quickly turned into a full blown scandal that is rocking the entire NFL. When the elevator surveillance tape of Rice punching Palmer in the side of the face first turned up online a few days ago NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell insisted that no one in the league had seen it before the general public had access to it. That notion has been called into question because phone records prove that someone at the NFL's main headquarters not only received the tape but also viewed it. Goodell at first refused to consider stepping down, but if he has been lying then team owners are prepared to oust him.

Former FBI director Robert Mueller III is handling the current investigation into what the NFL actually knew and he will be the man to figure out who from the leagues' headquarters left a voice mail for a member of law enforcement thanking them for sending them a copy of the tape back in April. The league's 32 owners seem to be currently supporting Goodell and they believe that he has been a fantastic asset to the organization.

According to a report by The Washington Post, the owners are assuming that this investigation will clear Goodell, but if it doesn't then they are prepared to take swift action Sources close to the owners say that if it is proven that Goodell purposely ignored evidence or lied to minimize things then he himself will likely be on the chopping block just like Ray Rice was earlier this week. Do you think that Roger Goodell saw the tape months ago and chose to keep it under raps as has been suggested? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

NFL, Baltimore Ravens, Janay Palmer, Scandal
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