Imagine Dragons Release Intense New Song 'Warriors' from 'League of Legends' [LISTEN]

Imagine Dragons are back with an new epic single, "Warriors," a battle cry that's as intense as ever. Yesterday (Sept. 17), the "Demons" band announced the new song release on its official Facebook page.

Imagine Dragons partnered up with the popular video game League of Legends (apparently one of the band's favorites) to release "Warriors" for the game's 2014 world championship.

The single is a suitable battle cry for players of any video game and just as dramatic "Radioactive," "It's Time" or any other Imagine Dragons track. A slow, steady roll of strings and bombastic drums fill every moment of "Warriors," not allowing for any moment to lack a dose of epicness.

Imagine Dragons frontman Dan Reynolds matches every ounce of the music's intensity with his own powerful singing. Likening his own voice to the roar of a battle, Reynolds nearly screams in the chorus, in case you weren't pumped up enough already. "Here we are, don't turn away now / We are the warriors that built this town," he declares in the chorus with the voice of a dozen men.

Turn on your video game consoles and get pumped by listening to the new Imagine Dragons song "Warriors" below:

"Warriors" is a standalone single from Imagine Dragons, but more music from the band should be on the way relatively soon. In the same Facebook post announcing the single, Imagine Dragons noted that it was still working on its second studio album. Imagine Dragons' first LP Night Visions was released in 2012.

Imagine Dragons
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