Mystery Woman Who Danced With Miranda Lambert's Husband in Viral Video Says Interaction Was 'Innocent'

Miranda Lambert on Her Marriage to Brendan McLoughlin

The mystery woman with whom Miranda Lambert's husband danced in the viral PDA video spoke about the intimate encounter.

Speaking to In Touch Weekly, the mystery woman said the encounter was "innocent."

"Earlier in the night, we noticed him in the roped-off section at the front of the bar. We recognized him, and we all thought it was cool that he was there, and mentioned hoping for a Miranda appearance. We went back to enjoying our night, drinking and dancing with each other and just having a good time," the woman claimed.

According to the woman, they only invited McLoughlin to take a picture with one of their friends, who is a "bride-to-be." Later on, McLoughlin invited them to the roped-off section.

"He was not flirty," she maintained. "The bar was extremely loud, and even yelling in each other's ear, it was hard to hear anything. He left about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, before we left. Truly, none of us ever felt that there was any flirting happening. It was just dancing, laughing, and talking. He was friendly and casual, but never inappropriate or suggestive in any way."

As for why the woman touched McLoughlin's face, she had this to say.

"It's a silly, unconscious habit that I have, and I am responsible for how that may have appeared to the outside world. I never intended it suggestively, probably more 'motherly,' as that's who I am, but that isn't something that should reflect badly on him at all," the woman explained.

In Touch Weekly reported that Lambert allegedly knew that her husband was cheating on her before the viral PDA video exploded online. They gathered that Lambert had "warned" her husband about "embarrassing her" before the videos went viral on social media.

"There's absolutely no way that Miranda is staying quiet about Brendan's flirty videos that are circulating on social media," the source shared, noting that Brendan had "gotten an earful" from the singer.

The source added that Lambert loves McLoughlin and that she takes their marriage "seriously," noting that the "Mama's Broken Heart" singer was "upset."

"Brendan has a cheating past that she's very well aware of, which is why they discussed it at length before they were married."

Despite Lambert trusting Brendan, the source said the videos of her husband hugging women and getting handsy on them are "very embarrassing." The source also noted that the actions were embarrassing because they happened at her own bar and that "everyone in town was talking about it."

"I'm not sure who the women are, but if Miranda was with him I'm sure he wouldn't be acting that way," the source confirmed. "It's inappropriate, disrespectful and Miranda deserves better. I'm sure Brendan is in the dog house, and rightfully so. He definitely crossed the line."

Miranda Lambert
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